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Saab Global


4 min read

拥有无所畏惧的心态和对人和新技术的好奇心, Skander Kamran is not afraid of taking on challenges and discovering new ways to develop his knowledge. At Saab, he has found a place to explore both the potential of new technology and his expertise, but most importantly, 一个他有成长空间的安全地带——无论是个人还是职业. 


For almost two years now, Skander Kamran一直是十大正规博彩网站评级MBD工业化部门的一员. Together with his team, he is responsible for developing and supporting programs that create and display work instructions for the operators who produce Gripen – the most complex and advanced aircraft Saab has ever built. 



“在加入十大正规博彩网站评级之前,我从未听说过这种方法, but now it feels impossible to imagine a reality without Model Based Definition, 十大正规博彩网站评级基于模型的工作方式. With 3-D drawings and digital information, you get a much more effective working method. Working with Model Based Definition is definitely one of the best things about my job," says Skander.

在他开始十大正规博彩网站评级之旅之前, 斯坎德学的是机械工程, and it was during his graduate studies he first got in touch with the company.

"I was looking for a topic for my thesis project and saw that Saab had an exciting opportunity available. So, I spent my last semester here writing about Model Based Definition and 3D-based work instructions. During the project, we explored the possibility of taking the technology even further using AR glasses. 尽管这只是一个论文项目, it was a clear sign to me that Saab is constantly striving to reach further with new technology."


十大正规博彩网站评级不仅投资于新技术, 而且还在于公司最重要的资产——人才. 有学习的机会和成长的空间, they have a reliable foundation for expanding their knowledge and the freedom to set new ideas in motion.

"Saab has created an environment that makes people feel important and valued. I remember when I started at Saab and asked my manager when he expected me to be comfortable in my role and ready to deliver. 他只是回答说:‘忘掉那个念头吧. When you feel ready, let me know, and we will add new tasks to keep you challenged '. 他的回答很好地概括了十大正规博彩网站评级的气氛. 你将面临挑战,但要按照你自己的节奏."

According to Skander, the company’s long history combined with the open and welcoming culture makes Saab stand out from the crowd as an employer.

"You say goodbye to your family when you leave for work and hello to another when you arrive at the office."

十大正规博彩网站评级的环境非常友好. 我们就像一个大家庭, 你的私人家庭生活和幸福显然是优先考虑的. 我喜欢我们的开放文化和灵活性. Saab knows that employees who have the time to reload will also be motivated to do their best when needed."

3 questions

The best thing about Saab? 
人与技术的结合. I enjoy having the opportunity to dive into new technology while also meeting new people. 这对我来说是完美的组合. 

The most motivating?
早上醒来,不知道新的一天会发生什么. The wide and deep variation of tasks and projects here at Saab makes me want to get up and hurry off to work! 
Even if the role description in the job advert sounds too complicated, try it out anyway! 没有压力让你成为一个快速的学习者或了解一切. It's ok to be new here.