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Saab Global

Designing a safer future

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Maybe it was fate. Perhaps it was a conscious choice. 不管怎样,她在十大正规博彩网站评级的职位之路有点像蝴蝶效应的故事. Meet Lisa Eliasson, 好奇的问题解决者和UX设计师,对创造性的设计解决方案充满热情.



Turning obstacles into opportunities

Let us introduce you to our world of opportunities

With an interest in technical design and her mind set on Saab, 丽莎·埃利亚松(Lisa Eliasson)很早就知道自己的未来想要什么——尽管她的职业之旅开始的方向与她最初想象的不同.

"I've always enjoyed problem-solving and being creative, but I wasn't sure what to do with those skills. So, 我开始在尤梅夫大学攻读交互设计理学硕士学位,但觉得不太合适. After a while, I decided to drop out and move back to Luleå, where I eventually found the right program for me. 在我完成工业设计工程学士学位后, I applied for a summer job at Saab. At that time, they didn't have a role that matched my education, but I found the other position they offered exciting, and I still had my sights set on Saab, so eventually I decided to give it a try.", says Lisa.

During her first months at Saab, Lisa worked as a technical writer, but right next to her at the desk sat a UX designer, 没过多久,丽莎自己就开始做一些设计工作了.


“直觉告诉我,也许他们是故意把我放在那里的,因为, in my interviews with Saab, I talked a lot about my interest in UX Design. 我很感激有机会表达我的意见,并得到帮助,找到正确的道路. 如果我没有和我的UX同事在一起,或者没有得到支持去追求我的激情, my career might have taken a different direction."

Lisa Eliasson

Where passion meets purpose

As a UX Designer, 丽莎每天都在帮助十大正规博彩网站评级的操作员使用复杂的系统. 在这个充满挑战的角色中,十大正规博彩网站评级始终坚持“保障人民和社会安全”的宗旨.

“由于我们使用的系统非常复杂,因此确保可用性至关重要. It doesn't matter how advanced a system is; if the operator can't use it, it becomes useless. 识别和创建帮助人们工作的设计解决方案对我来说是一个重要的推动力. 事实上,我们目前正在与瑞典客户合作,这进一步加强了我的工作目的和动力. 能成为我所居住的国家加强国防的一小部分,感觉很棒."

Lisa Eliasson

3 questions

The best thing about Saab?

一个有经验的雇主的稳定性和广泛的发展机会之间的平衡. Also, the welcoming and inclusive atmosphere at the office. 与如此能干和熟练的同事一起开发这样一个酷而令人兴奋的产品真的很值得.

The most motivating?

My work tasks! In one moment, 我可以解决复杂的问题,让自己沉浸在技术细节中, and in the next moment, I can be creative and think outside the box.

Your advice to a potential new colleague?

敢于尝试不同的角色,并申请职位,即使你一开始并不认为它适合你. Saab offers such a wide range of different roles and challenges and, at the same time, the guidance to locate the right opportunity for you, so eventually, you will find something that fits you perfectly.

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