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WASP: shaping the future of Swedish industry

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瓦伦堡AI, 自主系统和软件项目(WASP)汇集了瑞典工业界和学术界,以确保瑞典在未来具有竞争力. Saab plays a strong role in the programme, providing research and administrative talent, and 技术专长.


WASP是由瓦伦堡基金会建立的,作为一项战略举措,旨在提高瑞典在人工智能方面的研究能力, autonomous systems and software, 这三个技术领域对保持美国在21世纪的竞争力至关重要.

Saab has been a core member of WASP since it was founded in 2015. 贡纳·霍姆博格, 未来航空系统的业务开发人员和十大正规博彩网站评级参与该计划的协调者, explains why it’s so important:

“Sweden relies on ‘system-building’ industries, 比如航空, 国防, 机器人, 电信, 汽车, 卡车和公共汽车. We need to keep being good at those in the future, so we need to be able to recruit the right people to industry.

“作为瑞典有史以来最大的研究项目,WASP提供了一个充满活力的环境. From the perspective of industry, “边界跨越者”——在工业界和学术界之间工作的人——可以在他们的职业生涯中得到发展, 我认为这对瑞典系统建设行业的竞争力至关重要.”


十大正规博彩网站评级的参与 in WASP spans management, 技术专长, research and talent recruitment, 以及教育方面.

Saab’s Chief Technical Officer Petter Bedoire sits on the programme board, 而贡纳·霍姆博格自己的wasp相关工作包括寻找行业博士生,并赞助该计划在瑞典沿海城镇Västervik的公共安全演示场所.

In addition, several of the programme’s project leaders come from Saab. 例如, Jesper Tordenlid将他在Combitech的角色与WARA-PS的经理角色结合起来, the WASP Research Arena for Public Safety.

That research arena uses Saab technology, 其中包括安全, Saab’s command and control system, and Kockums autonomous Piraya boats, 为了提供一个现实的, 通过使用侧重于维护社会及其公民安全的场景,大规模和工业相关的示范环境.

Representatives from Saab and Combitech are also in the WARA team, 而十大正规博彩网站评级系统则用于项目实验室和演示环境, 比如测试在海上使用的自主搜索和救援系统.

十大正规博彩网站评级也是为黄蜂大学研究生院贡献最大的工业博士生之一, 我们为WASP的招聘项目做出贡献,从瑞典以外的地方寻找教授,帮助加强瑞典的研究生态系统,” explains 贡纳·霍姆博格, himself an adjunct professor at the University of Linköping.

“We need people who have one foot in industry and the other in academia, to benefit from their combined skills to progress the field.”

此外,十大正规博彩网站评级的工程师还经常在研究生院和其他地方工作, and it’s clear Saab and WASP have a strong link.


Of course, WASP provides benefits for Saab too, as Holmberg explains:
“Saab’s guiding purpose is that everyone has the right to be safe, but the future is full of uncertainty, 因此,人们和系统将需要越来越多地共同努力,以维持一个安全可靠的社会."

“We’ll also need to be more flexible in the way that we use resources, so the old division between military systems, security systems and civilian systems will be less significant.

So, 如果我们努力让不同的系统一起工作从一开始就不打算一起工作, and if we need a flexible response in uncertain situations, we’ll need systems that can work together, are adaptable and can interact with humans efficiently and transparently."

十大正规博彩网站评级需要付出巨大的努力才能实现这一目标,我们需要新的技能. These come partly from the industrial PhDs, 我们对WASP能够提供我们所需要的开发能力抱有很大的期望.”

Five years in, Holmberg says WASP is going from strength to strength.

“We al读y see the effects on Saab at a general level, 我们很自豪地看到,WASP项目的首批博士毕业生中有一些来自十大正规博彩网站评级. 有些人已经回到我们身边,为我们产品的下一步发展做出了贡献.”