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Shared knowledge, common strength

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当事情变得严重时,实时信息对于做出正确的决定至关重要. 在当今日益复杂和快速变化的任务环境中, 意识, as we know it, can only provide part of the puzzle. To really understand what is going on, 意识 needs to evolve. 在这里,您可以阅读更多关于十大正规博彩网站评级全球之眼机载预警的独特传感器套件 & Control (AEW&C) elevates 意识 into insight.

In today’s increasingly challenging mission environments, response time is scarce and, 一如既往地, there is no room for error. 威胁, be they symmetric or asymmetric, are constantly evolving, 适应, becoming smarter and ever more difficult to detect. 各国赖以提高认识和应对这些威胁的系统所面临的要求非常高. To stay ahead they not only need the ability to detect, 在更大范围和多领域内识别和跟踪更广泛的对象, they also need to provide the right information, 给合适的资产——给他们时间,让他们做出正确的决定,采取适当的行动.

The most modern and advanced solution – available today

This is exactly what GlobalEye 空气borne Early Warning & Control (AEW&C) solution, does. As the most modern and advanced AEW&C solution available on the market today, it not only ensures that a nation’s air, maritime and ground forces can benefit greatly from having a common, accurate and reliable situational picture. It will also provide a higher level of 意识.


Multi-domain 意识 in a single platform

GlobalEye为客户提供了一种能够机载的多角色解决方案的独特优势, maritime and ground surveillance, as well as signals intelligence, simultaneously. GlobalEye is also capable of switching tasks during ongoing missions. 所有这些都在一个平台上完成,通常需要单独的平台才能完成.

At the heart of GlobalEye is a mission system, a multi-domain Command & Control (C2) system for real-time information, and the most advanced sensor suite for long-range air, 海, and land surveillance. “全球眼”还集成了一系列通信系统,将其完全连接到其他平台和指挥中心.

A unique mix of sensors

GlobalEye混合了现代主动和被动传感器,提供了同时探测和跟踪大量空中物体的能力, at 海 and over land. 事实上, by combining sensors in this way, “全球眼”可以探测各种空中目标——从各种形状和大小的普通飞机到战斗机, cruise missiles and helicopters. 它还提供了一个显著提高的能力,即使从很远的距离探测较小的物体. This is a key advantage for detecting and identifying new, low-observable flying objects and asymmetric threats.

The unique sensor suite gives GlobalEye an unparalleled flexibility. “全球之眼”固有的灵活性也可以最大限度地发挥和平时期常规行动的价值, 使该平台能够监视沿海和陆地边界,同时保持公认的空中图像,作为空中预警和控制资产.

Strong support at commander level

GlobalEye强大的传感器套件提供更大的空域覆盖范围,并能够更早地检测和识别威胁. For an air commander, this is crucial. It means more time to decide and act, 这反过来意味着更有可能保持制空权并领先于对手. 海军和陆军指挥官可以从GlobalEye的知识中得到安慰,GlobalEye可以为他们提供超越自己传感器的态势感知,并通过利用机载EOS/IOS成像和战略地面移动目标指示(GMTI)在感兴趣的地区提供对海军威胁的积极识别.


更多的 time to decide and act

成功完成任务不仅需要有探测和跟踪目标的能力, 而且还有快速融合和分析大量数据并将其转化为准确和高度可靠的能力, real-time information and decision support. GlobalEye’s combination of multiple sensors and sophisticated data fusion, 在一个直观的任务系统中,它可以处理大量的数据,并以自动化和高效的方式分析和传播它, will shorten the time from detection to action.

Making insight key

The GlobalEye AEW&C监视解决方案是独特的组成,为行动中涉及的每一项资产提供准确的信息,以成功完成其任务. As mentioned above, 在当今充满挑战的宣教环境中,仅仅了解周围发生的事情是不够的. To meet the challenges, 你需要能够在一定程度上创造意识,为决策和行动带来确定性和洞察力.

With GlobalEye’s unique sensor suite, 先进的机载管理能力和实时信息,可从单一平台实现全面作战准备,GlobalEye将提供更高水平的感知能力,并使洞察力成为国家空中力量的关键资产.



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