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Situational Awareness for Enhanced 安全 is an open-integration software platform for mission-critical operations. 安全用于机场等场所的指挥控制室, law enforcement operations centers and maximum security correctional facilities.


安全 integrates all the functions required of a modern control room into a single unified software application.
安全 is designed to empower users to make more informed decisions faster by creating a Common Operational Picture.
安全 is built around a powerful workflow-based rules engine and customizable user interface.


安全 is a modern software solution to the growing needs of businesses that marks an end to the crippling information siloes and create truly usable enterprise situational awareness.

安全 integrates and connects all elements of a control room and distributes information that enhances performance in “normal” day-to-day operations, 以及在最具挑战性的事件和危机中. 安全’s powerful embedded rule engine enables users to seamlessly collaborate in real-time with all connected users, offering instant information and the ability to decide and communicate the best course of action. 安全 stores all information and can provide detailed event reports useful for capturing lessons learned and to show compliance with guidelines and regulations.


方便飞机的移动, 客货在最高效, 安全可靠的方式是第一要务, 共同的兴趣, 所有机场持份者. 使用外管局提供的综合协作环境, all parties are positioned to benefit through the ability to automate standard processes and be on the alert for any out of the ordinary events.

所有 airport stakeholders need to be adaptive, pro-active and predictive to operate effectively. 安全 provides users’ up-to-date data coupled with precise resource management tools to coordinate needed responses. 安全 provides data-driven dashboards that give instant insights into key-performance indicators to the near and long term operational health of the airport. 随着越来越多的数据源被纳入外管局, 比如十大正规博彩网站评级的表面管理系统, Ae抢劫ahn, 对事件流的预测性指导, 比如客流和飞机流, 可以提供. 安全 and Ae抢劫ahn is the core of Saab’s Total 空气port Management Solution, 提供集成空侧的能力, 陆面及码头营运.


与安全, 应急服务, police and rescue services can simultaneously access a common situation picture to share intelligence and streamline resources. Those on the front lines have access to information as it unfolds in real-time, 整合沟通, 先进的资源规划, 以及决策工具. 行动准备充分, 分配了正确的资源, 在正确的地方, in time with 安全’s built-in advanced computer-aided dispatch (CAD) engine.



  • 外管局在全球范围内部署了超过35个机场, 警察部队, 公共交通系统, 到最高安全级别的惩教设施.
  • 安全 is an integration platform and can easily integrate with other systems, 数据库和传感器, 并且拥有一个不断增长的成功集成库.
  • 安全使安全, 健壮的, 模块化设计的事件管理解决方案, 巨大的可扩展性, 以及广泛的可配置性. 


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