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Saab Global


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巴西鹰狮E飞机,注册编号FAB 4100, dedicated to tests in Brazil, 参加了在Anápolis (GO)的飞行测试活动,以评估红外搜索和跟踪(IRST)。, a passive long-range target detection sensor.

在测试中,两架巴西鹰狮E战斗机和一架F-5战斗机模拟了空战. The test aircraft, FAB 4100, piloted by Saab test pilot Jonas Jakobsson, 使用红外搜索和跟踪(IRST)定位另外两架飞机的任务.
第二架鹰狮由中校克里斯蒂亚诺·德·奥利维拉·佩雷斯驾驶, 巴西空军研究与测试研究所(IPEV)试飞员. 这架F-5由贝特加上校指挥,他也是IPEV的一名试飞员.
进行了三次飞行,持续时间在1点到1点之间.5 hours each. Brazilian professionals from Saab and Embraer, along with Swedish Saab engineers, were involved in the entire test campaign.


“测试的目的是确保系统能够在指定参数内定位威胁,这是鹰狮E全球测试活动的一部分, involving all aircraft of this model, not just those of the Brazilian Air Force,” said Martin Leijonhufvud, 巴西鹰狮飞行测试中心(GFTC)的负责人.
“We had a successful flight, collaborating with the other fighters, 来测试IRST并验证所获得的图像分辨率, 对于飞行员来说,了解是否有一个或多个目标并计划他们的行动,哪个是至关重要的,” commented Swedish pilot Jonas Jakobsson.

IRST可以通过红外信号探测和识别远距离目标.e., the heat emitted. Located at the front of the fighter, 该系统的功能是作为一个被动传感器,在各种环境中识别感兴趣的物体, whether they are aircraft in flight, vessels at sea, or vehicles on land.