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十大正规博彩网站评级的RBS 70 ng移动射击单元

Which ground-based air defence (GBAD) solution is best?

9分钟 读 + Video

雷达制导? 激光制导的? 远程? 短程? There are a range of options when choosing a missile-based GBAD solution. 那么,哪个系统是最有效的?

陆基防空(GBAD)是武装部队保卫领土和对抗空中威胁的最强大战略之一. Having the ability to engage and destroy aircraft, 无人机和使用地面发射弹药的导弹可以阻止敌人获得空中优势,并改变战斗和战争的进程.

所以, it would be extremely convenient to be able to nominate one type of GBAD system as superior to all others. 说一个特定的导弹系统或一个特定的操作范围是最佳的,而所有其他系统都是多余的.

However, reality – like combat situations – is complex. The truth is that no single GBAD solution has all the attributes needed to be considered ‘the best’. It’s only when a range of ground-based systems, each with individual advantages and disadvantages, are used together that armed forces are able to fully tame the aerial threat.

So, what are the different types of GBAD systems available? What attributes does each bring to the table? And how can they be used together to erode air dominance?

While the term ‘ground-based air defence’ broadly includes things like barrage balloons, 伪装和干扰机, most ‘active’ GBAD systems aim to destroy aerial targets through the use of either missiles or shells.

RBS 70 ng

A useful way to understand the different solutions available is to consider how they lock onto targets. 一般来说, the systems used to ensure the missile or projectile connects with its target can be divided in four categories: non-guided; radar guided; infrared guided; and laser guided.


不可制导系统 are the perhaps the simplest option. 这些武器通常包括用于向空中目标发射常规炮弹(如穿甲弹)的速射炮. With a barrel larger than a machine gun but smaller than a field gun, they can be used to bring down aerial threats such as helicopters and drones. A human operator aims at the target with the help of electro-optic tracking. The shortfalls of such systems include limited range (usually below 3,000米, limited accuracy and poor tolerance for managing targets that swerve or manoeuvre off course.


接下来是雷达制导导弹系统. 它们依靠无线电波的使用来建立一个清晰的雷达图像,准确地确定目标的位置. 采用“主动雷达制导”, 导弹本身配备了一个雷达系统,帮助它跟踪目标并调整自己的飞行路径以增加撞击的机会. 采用“半主动寻的”系统, the missile use a passive detector to pick up a radar signal that have been reflected by the target. This signal is generated by an external source, 通常在导弹发射系统的同一地点部署跟踪雷达。这两种方法在摧毁几十公里范围内的目标方面都非常有效, 不管天气状况如何. However, radar-guided systems are susceptible to radar jammers fitted to aircraft. Such jammers interfere with the radar signal, making the missile lose sight of the target, 使之无用.


Next come infrared-guided missiles which rely on a so-called ‘passive homing’ approach. Such missiles make use of the fact that aircraft engines typically produce a great deal of heat, 创造一个独特的热特征. Infrared sensors fitted to the missile itself help it to identify and lock on to the target, adjusting its flight path whenever the target charges course. 和主动雷达系统一样, 红外制导导弹适用于“先发后忘”的使用,一旦发射就会独立地继续追击目标. However, like radar systems, they can be fooled by countermeasures. Flares dropped by aircraft will create new heat signatures that confuse such missiles and put them off course.


最后一种方法是激光制导. Far less common than radar and infrared systems, laser-guided systems rely on a ‘laser guidance beam’ emitted from the point of fire. 当目标在天空中移动时,激光指示器仍然牢牢地锁定在目标上,安装在导弹上的激光探测器使它能够跟随光束. 机载处理器使用控制鳍调整导弹的飞行路径以确保成功撞击.

The leading example of a laser-guided GBAD solution is the 十大正规博彩网站评级RBS 70系统. 便携式(便携式), 它可以在45秒内组装并准备使用,并且在高达9公里的范围内非常有效. 重要的是, unlike radar guided and infrared guided missile systems, RBS 70 missiles can’t be fooled by radar jammers or flares. As long as the laser beam remains on the target, the missile is likely to do its job.

RBS 70 ng
The laser guidance of RBS 70 ng is what makes the system unjammable.

However, even outstanding weapons have some limitations. While radar and infrared systems can be fire and forget, the RBS 70 ng cannot be refired until the previous missile has found its target.


While each GBAD guidance system has its strengths and shortcomings, combining them can produce truly outstanding results. 在可能需要快速连续部署多枚导弹的情况下,手边有“发射即弃”的解决方案可能会很有用. 同时, in the likely scenario that jet fighters will form part of the aerial threat, 一种有效的解决方案, 比如RBS 70 ng, brings huge advantages not available to missiles with conventional guidance systems. 与此同时, gun systems may have a role to play in defeating simple aerial threats like drones and helicopters.




Ground-based air defence is commonly divided into three main ranges: short range for systems capable of bringing down targets between zero and 10 kilometres away; 媒介 range for solutions effective up to 50 kilometres from the target; and long range for systems capable of covering more than 50 kilometres.

远程 systems – one example is the Patriot system from the 美国 – are formidable weapons. They have large coverage areas and a proven ability to destroy a variety of aerial threats, 包括喷气式战斗机. But long-range systems also have a number of weaknesses. 发射装置和导弹的相对高成本使得远程系统成为摧毁小型武器的糟糕选择, disposable drones – an increasingly common weapon choice among the West’s enemies. Their reliance on radar guidance creates other issues. 为一个, 当雷达系统用于扫描数公里外的位置时,地球表面的弯曲特性产生了雷达阴影区. This means that if an aerial threat remains close to the ground, 说, 小于1000米, it can potentially avoid detection by a distant long-range GBAD system. 与此同时, 现代战斗机经常携带复杂的对抗措施来管理来自雷达制导导弹的威胁. 远程 systems are also very slow to deploy due to the large sized of both the launcher and missile.


中程GBAD系统具有远程系统的许多优点,也有许多缺点. 中等范围的解决方案, 例如俄罗斯的山毛榉M2系统, 可能有45至50公里的扩展射程,对各种空中威胁非常有效. But again, the expense of such systems tends to be high. 再一次。, the curvature of the earth and radar shadow are problems when acquiring targets over long distances. And, once again, radar jamming of missiles and relatively slow deployment times are issues.


Short range GBAD systems have limitations, too. They don’t have the long reach of bigger systems, with some capped at just 3,000米. Many use infrared missile guidance systems which can be fooled by the countermeasures on military aircraft. 但它们在敏捷性和快速部署方面带来了好处,并且不会像远程系统那样受到雷达阴影效应的影响. 许多短程系统是单兵携带的,这意味着它们可以去远程系统无法去的地方, 进入荒野地区, and onto roof tops in highly built-up urban areas. 近程GBAD系统的较小尺寸意味着它们在卫星侦察期间不太可能被发现, providing an element of surprise that can prove lethal to enemy aerial threats.

RBS 70 ng
RBS 70 ng is Saab's short range air defence system.

Additionally, the RBS 70 ng system brings a number of benefits other short-range systems don’t. It is effective to an impressive nine kilometres, creating a deadly threat to any aircraft that dares drop within range. As previously mentioned, it also uses laser guidance, making in impervious to jamming.



远程 systems can be used to provide a solid defence backbone, helping to monitor and secure large geographic areas, with a particular focus on high-value assets, 尤其是在点对点冲突中. 这些远程GBAD系统可以, 反过来, 得到中程解决方案的支持, which bring increased mobility and coverage into play. Through the use of quality short-range solutions, 武装部队可以为移动中的资产提供高水平的覆盖,并克服雷达阴影等问题.

Our RBS 70 ng solution brings together a range of features to enable high-quality short-range air defence. 该系统发射的导弹能够达到2马赫,该解决方案在高达5000米的高度有效. Reloading time once a missile has destroyed its target is less than five seconds.

The RBS 70 ng comes with a range of features aimed at enhancing the operator experience. 集成, high-resolution thermal imaging allow for night and day capabilities, while advanced cueing allows for improved reaction times and target acquisition. An auto-tracker assists the operator during engagement and increases hit probability. 与此同时, built-in video recording allows after-action review.

总的教训很清楚. The secret to effective air defence today lies in combining the strengths of a number of systems. Armed forces looking for the best results should combine long, 媒介, 和短程GBAD系统, include a wide diversity of guidance technologies, and make sure the RBS 70 ng is part of the mix.




市场总监 & 技术销售,导弹系统

Responsible for marketing and technical sales within missile systems. Former officer in the Swedish Army; from squad leader to Deputy Battery Commander in 空气 Defence Regiment. From 2011 reserve officer within Ground Based 空气 Defence.