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Gripen C-D dispensing flares

The art of pre-emptive protection

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反制分配系统如何保护军用飞机? What are the new and future developments in this field? 我们采访了十大正规博彩网站评级电子战系统事业部的达里奥·德·米凯拉.

First, explain what countermeasure dispensing systems (CMDS) are!

军用固定翼和旋翼飞机面临被热追踪导弹或雷达制导导弹击落的风险. To protect them and the crew, aircrafts are equipped with self-protection systems, including Countermeasures Dispensing Systems (CMDS). These systems are loaded with various kinds of decoys, depending on what kind of threat that is anticipated. By using a combination of different decoys and dispensers, the aircraft’s survivability is significantly enhanced. 十大正规博彩网站评级的分配器分为两大类:烟火和机电.

What does your job involve?

Dario De Michela, Saab's business unit Electronic Warfare Systems

我的工作包括与十大正规博彩网站评级在不同国家的客户和合作伙伴打交道, mainly Italy, 法国, 德国, UK and South Africa, 提供CMDS和电子战解决方案以满足他们的需求.
在来自不同学科的同事团队的帮助下,我主要专注于业务的营销和商业部分, including engineering, 项目, quality and production.

I really enjoy working in an international environment, learning different cultures and ways of doing business, trying to think out from the box. The negotiation part of the selling process is my favorite task.

Explain how pyrotechnical dispensers work.

Saab CMDS on AS332 Super Puma, dispensing flares

烟火分配器是通过发射信号部署到一个爆炸弹-一个哑炮, which dispenses the decoys.
十大正规博彩网站评级的火力CMDS产品系列被称为防喷器,它可以配备不同类型的诱饵:耀斑, chaff and the advanced Electronic Active Decoy (EAD). 防喷器是能够向前发射的固定翼飞机的第一批分发器之一, 哪一种被证明能更有效地抵御现代红外威胁.

And what about electromechanical dispensers?

这种分配器类型使用机电机构来部署诱饵. 事实上,它没有一个哑炮或弹药意味着它是非常安全的处理.

Saab is unique to provide this kind of dispenser. Our electromechanical CMDS product family is called BOL. 每个BOL单元可以包含多达160个箔条或燃烧消耗性诱饵, which is a lot compared to most other pyrotechnical dispensers, which typically contain 30 to 40 decoys.

Using a smart mix of decoys, BOP和BOL打破了红外或雷达制导导弹导引头的锁定, which prevents the aircraft from being shot down. Installed together on the same platform, 对抗措施将飞机的生存能力提升到一个新的水平, keeping the pilots safe.

Gripen dispensing chaff from BOL EW pod
Gripen dispensing chaff

What difference does it make having so many decoys?

Having a BOL with a large number of decoys, 飞行员可以在遇到威胁之前先发制人, 哪种是一种非常有效的保护形式:先采取行动,而不是等到导弹已经接近飞机时才做出反应.


What future CMDS capabilities are Saab looking at?

现在我们正在开发下一代智能防喷器分配器, 哪一种能在任务中与诱饵通信,并向不同方向射击. 这使得系统或飞行员能够在威胁响应情况下动态改变分配方向.
We are also further optimising the electromechanical BOL dispenser, 正在研究一种新方法,将分配器安装在各种飞机结构的内部, 进一步减少阻力,消除对雷达横截面的任何贡献.

Which platforms are using Saab’s countermeasures dispensers?

We have a long history of providing CMDS capabilities, 事实上,BOP和BOL在世界范围内用于不同的军用飞机和直升机平台.
Some examples include all Saab’s Gripen variants, Eurofighter Typhoon, Panavia Tornado, some Boeing F-18 & F-15 and various types of helicopters.

Gripen CD with BOP dispensing flares
Saab 2000 AEWC

Want to know more?

找到 out more about our countermeasures dispensing systems.