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天狼星GBAD - ESM对抗雷达范围


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We are constantly surrounded by an immense number of electronic signals. They come from radio transmissions, 数据通信, 电视广播, mobile phones and 雷达s just to name a few sources. 这种通信大多数是民用的,但空中也有相当数量的军用信号. 在这篇文章中,十大正规博彩网站评级公司的汉普斯·德林解释了什么是信号情报. 

收集和分析这些军事信号是一个国家获得对其周围环境至关重要的了解的一种方式. 我们的邻居是否比平时传递的信息更多,并且超出了可以用练习来解释的范围? Has an air defence system, which was previously inactive, suddenly become active? This method of picking up signals is known as signals intelligence (SIGINT), which is a passive form of surveillance. Passive sensors used for SIGINT do not emit any signals; they just listen.

小天狼星监测 - C-ESM and R-ESM

Creating a picture of 'the normal situation'

登记和分析不同类型的军事信号可以让一个国家对周围地区的信号交通的正常行为有一个总体的了解. This creates a picture of the types, amount and behavior of signals you would normally expect to find there. 如果正常画面发生变化, 逐渐地或突然地, you would want to understand the reason for the changes. 这些分析可以构成军事和安全相关决策的基础.

Registering and understanding signals

所有类型的无线电和雷达系统发出的信号都有其独特的特征. 通过登记签名, it is possible for a nation to build up a signature library, which connects every signature to a particular type of emitter.

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以太中有数百万个信号,每一个都能告诉我们一些事情. 我们面临的挑战不仅是收集它们,还要理解它们所揭示的内容, and then drawing the right conclusions.


Analysing and positioning signals from vessels, aircraft or ground forces makes it possible to follow their movements, displaying them on a map in real time. And by comparing the signals’ unique signature to the signature library, it possible to determine which type of emitter the signal comes from and, 反过来, identifying the type of vessel or aircraft emitting the signals.



“Our system consists of advanced and sensitive sensors, 结合了筛选大量信号和数据的能力和工具, to extract what is interesting and relevant”, 汉普斯·德林说.

根据最迫切的需求,有不同类型的无源传感器. 通常, it is a compromise between picking up something very far away, or making sure you pick up everything all around you. 不同传感器的特性相互补充,并针对其特定任务进行优化. This allows the user to pick up individual signals, 即使在很远的地方, and perform highly accurate measurements on them, or to get wide coverage of the complete radio frequency spectrum, and immediately detect communication- and 雷达 signals.


为了能够得出正确的结论,您还需要处理收集到的信息的方法. 出于这个原因, 系统具有用于识别和分类雷达和通信信号的鲁棒和选择性算法和方法. 这些过程是自动化的, 高度自动化意味着操作员可以专注于关键任务,同时在低活动水平期间以更少的人员保持系统持续运行.

Detecting and identifying the adversary

In addition to the long-term strategic signals intelligence activities, passive sensors are also used for tasks with much shorter time-span, for example to detect and identify an attacking hostile aircraft. 传统上, a 雷达 system detects the hostile aircraft, passing its location and speed on to the nation’s own ground based air defence. 但我们可以假设,这些雷达信号很快就会被攻击飞机自己的被动传感器系统识别出来. 这使对手有可能操纵飞机脱离地面防空系统的射程, or to jam the 雷达’s signals electronically. 此外,雷达站的位置被暴露,为攻击打开了大门.

在这种情况下, passive sensors detect the hostile aircraft, by picking up the electronic signals the aircraft emit, 雷达, 演讲, 或者数据通信. 被动传感器在攻击者不知道自己被发现的情况下探测到敌机, and the air defense 雷达s can stay silent, 未被发现, 直到真正需要的时候.

“Having different modern and efficient systems that pick up, understands and can make use all the signals that surround us, 是一个国家有能力保护自己免受威胁的基本前提吗 , 那就在和平时期吧, 危机或战争期间", 汉普斯·德林总结道.


小天狼星是Saab公司基于通用架构和特定领域优势的创新网络无源传感器系统家族. It provides a complete synergistic capability for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance – beyond the scope of individual sensors.

这些系统为世界各地的武装部队和情报机构提供了将信号转化为知识所需的无声力量, 同时不被发现.

视频- 03.24