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在电子战时代, the world’s defense forces are looking to Saab's Aerial Target Services for safe training in the cutting-edge technologies used to handle radar and security threats. 在这里, 约翰尼·约翰逊 and Henrik 土地qvist discuss jamming, 目标拖, 以及他们在驾驶舱内的非凡生活.

There’s nothing like being in the enemy’s line of fire to keep you on your toes. For Saab’s Aerial Target Services pilots, this definitely isn’t just any old flying job. 约翰尼·约翰逊, 谁从1988年就加入了十大正规博彩网站评级, 他说:“如果你喜欢飞行, 这是世界上最好的工作.”

经理, electronic warfare operator and chief pilot Henrik 土地qvist is of a similar opinion: “I love the manoeuvres involved in flying. We don’t do autopilot; it’s not about simply flying from A to B, it’s about travelling back and forth to a military base or aircraft platform, 执行所指派的任何任务. 通常是低空飞行, negotiating steep turns up to 60-degree angles of bank, large angles of attack… It’s like being a fighter pilot!”

Johansson and 土地qvist are experts in electronic protection and electronic warfare. 通过模拟威胁, they allow Saab’s air defence customers to carry out missile practice testing, evaluating the effectiveness of their ammunition systems.

A Saab flight crew comprises two pilots and a systems operator: sometimes in a Mitsubishi MU-2, 有时在里尔喷气机里.

Hnerik 土地qvist, manager and chief pilot, and 约翰尼·约翰逊, system operator.


It is doubtless the razor-sharp skills of these seasoned airmen that help to make Saab such a solid, 可靠的合作伙伴. 今天, Saab is mostly working with the Swedish defence forces, but their collaborative multi-national assignments might involve the military in other Nordic countries or the rest of Europe.

“We are participating in an increasing number of larger-scale exercises, providing special services to a number of nations simultaneously,兰德奎斯特说. “This makes for ever more complex missions involving multiple ships, various ground stations and often a whole aircraft squadron, 这需要很多仔细的计划.”

They are away on different missions for three to four days at a time – wherever their clients need them to be. Sometimes they are being shot at from a naval vessel, 有时它们表现得像侵略者一样, 试图“轰炸”港口的一个目标.

不过,他们不会在任何战区行动. 这就是他们所说的模糊地带, where there is a heightened situational awareness of the threat of a terrorist or military attack.

They always receive a detailed brief about half a year in advance of every mission so they understand their role within a big exercise.

“当你与国防部门打交道时, the expectations are high and it’s essential to come prepared,约翰逊说。. “他们要求高精度, 有效的培训, 在十大正规博彩网站评级,我们以一流的产品而自豪, 及时的交货.

今天’s missions address the whole chain of command: not just one soldier or one particular unit. Aerial Target Services are just one piece of an enormous puzzle, with others training the forces in submarine hunting, 船上防火等等……


“想想在3的末端放一只防风袜,000- to 5,000米长的电缆,兰德奎斯特说, describing the aerial targets they tow for weapons operator training. 亮橙色管状布, each target is used in air and ground anti-aircraft gunnery practice, 飞行约15分钟,1000英尺后,1,在飞机下方1000英尺处. 有时两个目标是一致的.

航速150-300节, 飞机进入了射击线, 使用脱靶量指示器(MDI), the operator senses how close the bullets or missiles get. “When the ‘enemy’ hits a target, we hear the cheers on the radio,兰德奎斯特说. “然后我们降落飞机,一切重新开始.”

扰乱, blocking or jamming enemy radar signals and targeting systems is also their speciality, impairing the ability of radar systems to accurately detect and depict objects in the operational environment. Jamming is used to deliberately interfere with communications, 误导敌人,扰乱战斗的控制.


工作非常紧张, so they never hesitate to let the client know if they need to take a break.

“毕竟,我们只是人. It would be foolish to compromise safety by not resting when we need to. And we always stop flying if there is a thunderstorm, too much ice or rain. 安全是第一位的.”

It’s by keeping busy that they maintain the highest level of safety. “The more missions we complete, the more proficient we become,约翰逊说。. “That’s why we’re pleased that we are being called on so much for our services.”

Maintaining a close professional relationship with the client and an open dialogue based on trust and respect is absolutely essential. “我们必须了解我们为之飞行的单位, 他们也必须相信我们的判断,兰德奎斯特说. “It all boils down to good communication, effective collaboration, and honest feedback. That way, we have the opportunity to adopt a different approach for the next assignment if necessary.”

“Occasionally a third party might become involved in a mission and express concern over our involvement. Then we have to convince them that we’re not there to find out about their classified systems, but rather to show them how good our open system is.”