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最后四名飞行员在瑞典空军完成了德尔塔转换训练, which included theoretical and practical classes, as well as simulator flights.


负责部署F-39“鹰狮”战斗机的最后一班作战飞行员st Air Defense Group (1st 巴西空军(FAB)的GDA于6月13日结束了德尔塔转换训练th 位于瑞典西部Såtenäs F - 7联队的鹰狮中心.

该课程由瑞典空军的凤凰中队指导,分为两个阶段. The Conversion Training, 为期11周,每位飞行员飞行50次, 涵盖了基本操作的战斗机在单飞和编队任务在白天和夜间期间. 战斗准备训练包括大约9周的25次飞行, 探索战机空对空作战能力, including the use of missiles, cannons, and the human-machine interface, one of the main features of Gripen.

“凤凰中队致力于训练鹰狮飞行员, and we are equipped appropriately for that, including flight simulators. 巴西飞行员训练有素,拥有丰富的操作经验, both from the F-5M and AMX units. They quickly learned about the operation, configuration, and flying of Gripen," revealed Major Richard Carlqvist, commander of the Phoenix Squadron.

鹰狮中心是训练将驾驶鹰狮的飞行员的中心, 包括外国和瑞典空军. Throughout the course, students train on the Gripen C/D, 分别有单座和双座配置. 尽管与巴西购买的鹰狮战斗机不同, 这种经验是必不可少的,因为它可以帮助飞行员了解系统, operational mode, and flight controls, 考虑到这些不同的鹰狮战斗机在某些方面的相似性.

"After being adapted to Gripen C/D in Sweden, 我们的飞行员将在巴西完全转换为鹰狮E, using the resources already available at the 1st GDA主要通过规划站和飞行模拟器进行. 课程将在1 .的范围内进行st GDA,由瑞典飞行员授课,这些飞行员将留在Anápolis空军基地担任飞行教官. 他们与巴西飞行员一起进行飞机的改装和操作部署,中校飞行员Gustavo de Oliveira Pascotto解释道, commander of the 1st GDA.

在这个具有大规模技术转让的两国方案中, 两国之间的互动是持续的,并使两国都受益.

“瑞典和巴西空军之间的合作非常好,并在各个层面上进行. 我们在Såtenäs接收巴西战斗机飞行员, 但我们在Anápolis基地也有一个支持小组, 协助FAB将鹰狮E引入服役. 团队之间的合作和讨论非常出色," said Colonel Adam Nelson, commander of the F 7 Wing.

Previously completed training

F - 7联队的鹰狮中心已经接收了17名FAB飞行员. The current commander of the 1st GDA, Lieutenant Colonel Aviator Gustavo, 和中校飞行员拉蒙·林肯·桑托斯Fórneas是第一批FAB飞行员接受鹰狮C/D课程, then as captains, in 2014. 接下来,来自FAB飞行试验与研究所的三位试飞员(Instituto de Pesquisas e Ensaios em Voo – IPEV), with Lieutenant Colonel Cristiano de Oliveira, who was still a major at the time, became the first Brazilian to fly the Gripen E, 现在训练结束了,三组每组四名操作飞行员.

Saab Press Centre
+46 (0)734 180 018

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