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Saab Global

Gripen undergoes tropical testing in northern Brazil

3 min read

最近在贝尔萨姆和Salinópolis进行的气候测试将鹰狮暴露在炎热潮湿的条件下, 气温可达35摄氏度,海平面湿度达85%. 

For approximately 20 days, the Gripen E aircraft 4100, used in Brazil's development and certification campaigns, was once again subjected to extreme weather conditions. During this campaign, 这架飞机在炎热潮湿的条件下执行了10次任务,飞行了大约12个小时, typical in Brazil's Northern region. 

“Gripen was stationed at Belém Air Force Base, 得益于地面支持以及十大正规博彩网站评级和巴西航空工业公司团队的存在. Upon take-off, 飞机朝着Salinópolis附近的海上试验区飞去, about 160km from Belém. 我们在这个地方建立了一个遥测站来收集大量的测试数据," explained Dalton Leite, Embraer’s engineer responsible for the campaign.

这些测试是为了评估所有系统在极端高温和潮湿条件下的性能, ensuring adequate cooling of the systems, pilot comfort, and overall aircraft behaviour in such environment. 

“尽管全天的天气条件充满挑战和快速变化, 试验结果表明,鹰狮战斗机可以在北方任何地点不受气候限制地作战," said Martin Leijonhufvud, head of Saab's Gripen Flight Test Centre.


During the flight test campaign, 作为技术转让计划的一部分,这些责任被分配给巴西航空工业公司, aimed at enhancing the Brazilian company's expertise in this area.

"The tests involved the work of approximately 35 people, divided between Brazilians and Swedes, 对进一步加强十大正规博彩网站评级和巴西航空工业公司之间的合作关系至关重要. 他们还让我们的技术人员和工程师做好了在没有十大正规博彩网站评级指导的情况下开展这类工作的准备,” added Leite.

Transonic flight and radar altimeter



“进行跨音速飞行是为了评估战斗机和发动机在较低高度的性能, 这样团队就可以测量飞机上增加的热量和结构应力," explained Jakob Högberg, Saab's chief test pilot. 

Meanwhile, 雷达高度计试验对若干飞机系统有直接影响, including the Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS), 哪一种是低空飞行的精密防撞设备. 

All tests conducted were successfully completed, 在鹰狮E的全球发展和认证运动中巩固了又一步. 这些测试包括一系列外部存储配置的传输, such as IRIS-T and Meteor missiles, as well as drop tanks.

*跨音速是从亚音速到超音速的过渡范围,大约是0马赫.8 to Mach 1.2, or 980 km/h to 1,470 km/h at sea level.